

“Laymart Park" の商品は、商標番号:登録6612575 登録6612576で商標登録されています。また、卸売等は一切行っておらず、商品の販売は、公式ショップ(laymartpark.com)及び出店販売のみですので、他のWebショップ等で販売されている商品は、転売品もしくは偽造品です。

東南アジアでも数点ですが偽造品、類似品の販売があったと報告がございます。 現在、様々なモノの偽造品の製造・販売・購入が世界的に大きな問題になっており、見た目が似ていて安価だという理由で安易に購入してしまう人々がいますが、その購入代金が偽造品を製造・販売する反社会勢力の資金源になっているということをご存知でしょうか?



それは、"本物" にこだわることです。 どんな些細なモノも "本物" にこだわることで、あなたのスタイルがより洗練され、あなたのスタイルに触発された人が "本物" にこだわるようになり、そのことで "本物" を生み出した人々に正当に利益が還元され、また新たな "本物" が生み出されます。




"Laymart Park" products are registered under the trademark numbers 6612575 and 6612576. Please note that we do not do engage in wholesale trade.

As products are sold only via the official shop (laymartpark.com) and retail stores, any products sold at other web shops are resale goods or counterfeit products.

Sales of counterfeit and imitation products in Southeast Asia have also been reported.

The manufacture, sale, and purchase of all manner of counterfeited products is a major problem worldwide.

There are people who readily buy these simply because they look similar to the real thing and are cheap... but did you know that the purchase price serves as a source of funds for criminal forces that manufacture and sell counterfeit products?

The purchase of such goods not only stops the return of legitimate gain to those who have created wonderful things loved by many, it is also an act that aids the acts of criminal forces that undermine our peaceful lives.

While these negative realities exist, there is something that you can do.

It's making a commitment to the real thing.

By insisting on the real thing in even the slightest of items, as your style grows in sophistication, people inspired by your style will also seek the real thing. The result will be that gain is returned to the people who created the real thing, and new real things will see the light of creation.

We are certain that if this chain of positivity can spread far and wide, we will be able to solve this difficult problem.

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